TTL2USB connection with V2.0 Dock

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TTL2USB connection with V2.0 Dock

Sat Jan 02, 2016 12:52 am

Through Slashdot I purchased a VoCore with the V2.0 Dock and also received a TTL2USB adapter. In my excitement I successfully locked myself out of Wifi and Ethernet connection to the VoCore. I've seen diagrams for connecting the adapter to the VoCore. But since the v2.0 Dock already has pins connected to the Tx and Rx holes, I don't know how to make the connections. Is there a way to connect the TTL2USB adapter with the dock still attached? Or do i have to remove the dock to make the connections?

One suggestion on this forum was to "just bend or cut off the place holder in TX and RX holes then connect directly." But that seems a little drastic. Is there a better way?

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Re: TTL2USB connection with V2.0 Dock

Sat Jan 02, 2016 2:14 am

Hi, the two place holder pins is not connected, please remove the pins from dock, cut off or bend them.

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Joined: Sat Jan 02, 2016 12:28 am

Re: TTL2USB connection with V2.0 Dock

Sun Jan 03, 2016 1:39 pm

CAUTION - the pins are very brittle and break off very easily. After cutting both pins I tried to bend them up. But both pins broke off at the plastic base.

I will try to desolder the pins and remove them from the VoCore.

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Re: TTL2USB connection with V2.0 Dock

Mon Jan 04, 2016 8:37 pm

Bending the pins works best when you remove the dock first. I think sooner or later I will remove them, should not harm.

First I thought my vocore is bricked after flashing home brewn image but instead just LEDs are deactivated in image -> need to improve the config /patch.

Consumed some time as VMWare (or Debian running in) did not let me connect but finally Putty did the job ... and surprise it is still working, just LEDs are off :/

But now I know how to connect TTL2USB with dock v2 ;)

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