Breakout board & example schematics for VoCore2

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Breakout board & example schematics for VoCore2

Tue Jan 08, 2019 6:02 pm

I wanted to use VoCore2 on my own custom board. But before beginning the layout, I wanted an easy way to test it. The VoCore2 Ultimate is nice, but it doesn't give access to all the pins. So I created a proper breakout board with easy to access 2.54mm pin headers for VoCore2:


All the schematics, layout and footprints used are done in KiCad and I released them as Open Source Hardware:

So even if you don't want this exact breakout board, maybe the schematics or footprints are a starting point for your own project.

I also published patches to the official OpenWRT tree to configure the Device Tree for the VoCore2. They may serve as an example how to do that for your own project.

Have fun!

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Re: Breakout board & example schematics for VoCore2

Wed Mar 20, 2019 10:39 pm

I really like your project for this VoCore2 adapter. Would it be a chance to buy one board from you, with elements for soldering or soldered separately, if you still have some PCBs ?

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Re: Breakout board & example schematics for VoCore2

Thu Mar 21, 2019 2:54 am

Marvin27 wrote:Hello.
I really like your project for this VoCore2 adapter. Would it be a chance to buy one board from you, with elements for soldering or soldered separately, if you still have some PCBs ?

I think the dock you can solder by hand, the main board has 0201 parts and double line QFN, it is too hard to solder by hand, even you have mask :)

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Re: Breakout board & example schematics for VoCore2

Thu Mar 21, 2019 6:46 am

Vonger wrote:
Marvin27 wrote:Hello.
I really like your project for this VoCore2 adapter. Would it be a chance to buy one board from you, with elements for soldering or soldered separately, if you still have some PCBs ?

I think the dock you can solder by hand, the main board has 0201 parts and double line QFN, it is too hard to solder by hand, even you have mask :)

I am a bit sad that I have no chance to solder it. I hope that the creator of this board will still have a complete piece.

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Re: Breakout board & example schematics for VoCore2

Thu Mar 21, 2019 7:55 am

I still have some pcbs. But our postal service more than doubled the price for international shipping this January.

So it is cheaper to order 10 pcbs at JLCPCB (-> 2 US$) and have them shipped to you than it is for me to ship you one. When you order pcbs at JLCPCB, you can also order parts at LCSC and have them shipped together. LCSC has most of the parts necessary, I think just except the VoCore2, the RTC and the dc power jack.

I order pcbs al JLCPCB all the time and they turn out well.

The smallest parts on my breakout pcb are 0603 and SOT-363, so you can easily solder it by hand. But the VoCore2 module you better buy from Vonger...

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Re: Breakout board & example schematics for VoCore2

Fri Mar 22, 2019 6:22 pm

Hey @electronic_eel

Do you have Gerber Files for JLCPCB ?


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Re: Breakout board & example schematics for VoCore2

Sun Mar 24, 2019 5:45 pm

I just pushed a zip file with ready-to-order gerbers to github.

But I still recommend to install KiCad to look at the used parts, their footprint and detailed placement.

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