What is it I have got here?

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What is it I have got here?

Sun Sep 18, 2016 6:29 pm

I have a small unit here. It contains 2 PCBs joined together by connectors. On one side it says Dock v2.0, On the other side it says INDIEGOGO and vonger.net. On top of the big chip it says 7266.

What is this? where do I find some documentation for it, so I know what I can do with it, how to power it up, how to connect a monitor to it etc.?

Thanks - Rowan

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Re: What is it I have got here?

Mon Sep 19, 2016 7:59 am

Please check vocore.io/wiki
Plug 5V power into the microUSB, it will boot and two minutes you can connect to VoCore by SSH.

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Re: What is it I have got here?

Thu Sep 29, 2016 8:18 am

Thank you for your reply.

I have now got the VoCore plugged connected via USB to my (Windows) PC. The yellow and green lights on the RJ45 socket are on. So it is obviously powered up. Am I right to assume that the USB connection acts as a virtual COM port? If so, in my Device Manager I see only one COM port, COM1, which I suspect (although I don't know) is some other device, maybe internal to the laptop, not the VoCore. How do I recognise the COM port that is the VoCore? If it's not shown in Device Manager, how do I find it?

I have installed PuTTY as an SSH client, but don't know how to set it up to communicate with the VoCore. Is PuTTY a suitabkle application to use? If there is something better, please recommend it. If PuTTY is OK, please explain how to configure it to communicate with the VoCore. Do I need a username and password? What are they? The options offered by PuTTY are:
- Remote command
- Enable compression
- Preferred SSH protocol (1 only, 1, 2, 2 only)
- Share SSH connections if possible
- Permitted roles (upstream, downstream)
- Key Exchange
- Algorithm selection policy (Diffe-Hellman group exchange, and many others)
- Max minutes before rekey
- Max data before rekey
- Manually configure keys - keys to accept
- Cipher
- Encryption cipher selection policy (AES (SSH-2 only) and many others)
- Enable legacy use of single DES in SSH-2
- Auth
- Bypass auth entirely
- Display preauthentication banner
- Attempt authentication using Pageant
- Attempt TIS or CryptoCard auth
- Attempt "keyboard interactive" auth
- Allow agent forwarding
- Allow attempted changes of username
- Private key for file authentication
- Attempt GSSAPI authentication
- Allow GSSAPI credential delegation
- Preference order for GSSAPI libraries
- User specified GSSAPI library path
- Don't allocate a pseudo-terminal
- Terminal modes to send (CS7 and many others)
- Mode
- Value (Auto, This)
- X11
- Enable X11 forwarding
- X display location
- Remote X11 authentication protocol (MIT-Magic-Cookie-1, XDM-Athentication-1
- X authority file for local display
- Tunnels
- Local ports accept connections from other hosts
- Remote ports do same
- Forwarded ports
- Destination
- (Local, Remote, Dynamic)
- (Auto, IPv4, IPv6)
- Bugs (workarounds for SSH server bugs)
- 7 bugs are listed, for each I can select Auto, On or Off
- More Bugs
- 6 more bugs are listed with the same selections

I'm sorry I know very little about Unix and nothing at all about SSH, so I need more guidance on how to get this working.

Thanks for your help.


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Re: What is it I have got here?

Fri Sep 30, 2016 12:45 am

You need to install CP210x driver for the chip.
check this http://www.silabs.com/products/mcu/Page ... ivers.aspx

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Re: What is it I have got here?

Thu Oct 06, 2016 1:01 pm

Thanks for this information. I will try this this evening when I am next united with the VoCore.

How do I know what software is installed on the device? For example, does it have a web server installed? Does it have PHP?

Thanks - Rowan

Posts: 4
Joined: Sun Sep 18, 2016 6:15 pm

Re: What is it I have got here?

Thu Oct 06, 2016 6:58 pm

Thanks for this info. I have now installed the driver. I now have a COM port (COM14) allocated to the CP210x USB to UART Bridge. If I connect to this COM port using a terminal emulator, and press Return, I can see some garbage characters echoed. But I don't know how to make sense of these.

I have connected the Ethernet port of the dock to my network. I have performed a scan of my network using Advanced IP Scanner, and can't see any device that looks likely. What would its manufacturer be? What would the first three bytes of its MAC address be?

I have checked the DHCP addresses issued by my router, and can't see anything there that looks like the VoCore.

Will it by default be set to DHCP? If not, what will its default IP address be?

I have tried two SSH clients (PuTTy and TeraTerm) but there are dozens of configuration settings concerning username, password, security algorithms and the rest which I have no idea how to set up to match the VoCore.

Is there not a document explaining how to get the device connected, and start installing software onto it and making it do something useful?

I hope someone can give me a bit of guidance on how to get started with this device, since I'm floundering...

Thanks - Rowan

Posts: 903
Joined: Sun Oct 19, 2014 6:00 am

Re: What is it I have got here?

Sun Oct 09, 2016 2:22 pm

rowan.bradley wrote:Thanks for this info. I have now installed the driver. I now have a COM port (COM14) allocated to the CP210x USB to UART Bridge. If I connect to this COM port using a terminal emulator, and press Return, I can see some garbage characters echoed. But I don't know how to make sense of these.

I have connected the Ethernet port of the dock to my network. I have performed a scan of my network using Advanced IP Scanner, and can't see any device that looks likely. What would its manufacturer be? What would the first three bytes of its MAC address be?

I have checked the DHCP addresses issued by my router, and can't see anything there that looks like the VoCore.

Will it by default be set to DHCP? If not, what will its default IP address be?

I have tried two SSH clients (PuTTy and TeraTerm) but there are dozens of configuration settings concerning username, password, security algorithms and the rest which I have no idea how to set up to match the VoCore.

Is there not a document explaining how to get the device connected, and start installing software onto it and making it do something useful?

I hope someone can give me a bit of guidance on how to get started with this device, since I'm floundering...

Thanks - Rowan

Set speed to 57600, and 8bits, no party(?), 1 stop bit, and then you hit return will get the console works.

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Re: What is it I have got here?

Wed Oct 12, 2016 2:30 pm

Once you get the console things will be easier. Below I use "probably" a lot because whoever you got it from may have changed all kinds of things.

The VoCore probably is acting like a router, you can plug a ethernet cable from the VoCore directly to your computer and connect as a client. The VoCore is probably using and you can set your computer to something like then use ssh to connect.

It probably also has a web interface at, once you can ssh to it point your web browser there and look around, if it wants a password use "vocore" the user name is "root". If that doesn't work you will need to use
Code: Select all
on the console to change the password.

It may have a wifi AP open, if it does connect to it and you can use ssh and/or the web interface through it. You may need to disable the other network connections, I think windoze mucks things up if you don't.

The VoCore is running OpenWrt so this is the "document" to get everything going but documentation isn't OpenWrt's strong suit.

This wiki may help you get going.

This may help you start with the linux command interface.

This command will identify what version is loaded on your VoCore, the output will help people here assist you:
Code: Select all
cat /etc/openwrt_version

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Re: What is it I have got here?

Fri Oct 21, 2016 9:45 pm

Sounds like he has the VoCore+Dock.. mine acted like a router straight out of the box. Just plug your internet into the RJ45 and it will be a router.

All I ever do with mine is power it up, and wait for "VoCore" to appear in my WiFi list. Then SSH into it and start changing settings, messing around with the GPIO and such. Be careful not to change the wrong setting.

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