LuCI interface still broken? Other operating systems?

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LuCI interface still broken? Other operating systems?

Mon May 02, 2016 7:55 pm

I'm having a few issues since I got by VoCore the other day.

1. Is LuCI still broken? There's no date on the page that this info was posted so I don't know:

2. If it is still broken, are there some example OpenWRT config files (for /etc/config) specifically for the VoCore with Dock? I was hoping to set it up as a simple wifi router with the wired connection as the WAN uplink and Wifi and/or USB ethernet as the LAN network. I'm new to OpenWRT but not new to networking.

3. If someone sends me to the OpenWRT page for the above info, can you at least tell me what each interface is for in OpenWRT? I see br-lan, eth0, eth0.1, and wlan0 all with the same MAC address, are they all bridged together? Seems like they are, both the wired and wifi ports give me a 192.168.61.x address.

4. What version of OpenWRT is on the download page? Can I look inside the binary file somewhere to find out?

5. Is anyone running any other operating system on the vocore? How are you booting it?

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Re: LuCI interface still broken? Other operating systems?

Fri May 06, 2016 2:41 pm

1,2. LuCI is fixed. :) Removed the note
3. I do not know, I think br-lan, lan, wlan is just config, maybe check /etc/config/network to know what is that?
4. please check openwrt developer page and my blog(, I write the detail to make the bin file.
5. I do not know either :) Other system could run, of course, but need tons of code to fit mips base.

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Re: LuCI interface still broken? Other operating systems?

Fri May 06, 2016 4:41 pm

I'm not 100% sure, but I think it wouldn't take "tons" of code to make NetBSD work. I'm not smart enough to actually do it, however.

There's a similar device I have (MIPS) that has more memory that I might try to boot a NetBSD kernel on if the bootloader allows tftp (it should). If it works then I could try on the vocore. If I can find a good way to attach a serial port, that is.

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