Building chaos calmer from source

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Building chaos calmer from source

Tue Mar 07, 2017 12:03 am

I have updated my Chaos Calmer repo, people wanting to build their own images may want to check it out.

You can use spi with the second chip select now as long as you don't need full duplex, there appears to be a silicon bug in the 7628 that prevents full duplex. At least flashrom works, probably many other things. The patch comes from a forum that goes on and offline alot, but thanks to beniwa for this!

The readme is updated, hopefully more helpful now and the subtarget selection is reworked so it should be more obvious how to get what you want. Has subtargets for Ultimate, Bare Board or Airplay, Beta, and Lite (Preliminary I don't have hardware yet).

There are also a few "special purpose" images you can build, these may be a good start for learning how to customize dts files for your needs, in particular there are:

Image for exporting all available gpios with the exception of the i2c pins. If you want to get more gpios than stock start with this, as is it gives you 28 gpios.

Image with spidev set up and flashrom installed, this should be useful to use one VoCore to flash a new image to a totally bricked VoCore. It can also write any flash chip up to 16MB that is supported by flashrom .

Image that is set up to use a second flash chip as an mtd device. This can be used to write any flash chip supported by OpenWrt, this is set up for chips up to 32MB but can be changed for larger chips.

I have tested these images, but I am sure there are problems in there, please open an issue on the github repo if you find any. Better yet, fix it and submit a pull request.
Last edited by noblepepper on Thu Mar 09, 2017 12:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Building chaos calmer from source

Wed Mar 08, 2017 8:04 pm

Great work NoblePepper and will be checking into it!


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Re: Building chaos calmer from source

Thu Mar 09, 2017 11:10 pm


I have a near working Dockerfile for the VoCore2 development and compile environment.

I have linked your Repo as the main source going forward and I'm going through some testing now with the Docker image. Was wondering if you used Docker and would possibly like to check it for me?

I don't use Docker much but now that I'm doing more Linux code and working with items like the VoCore2; I've decided this works really well instead of installing my own VM's in VMWare or VirtualBox. I use both for my daily career (Software Engineer) and while they work well, a Docker container works better.

I did a search here on the forums and saw that someone, 'Brad', at one time was making a Dockerfile for the original VoCore but reported back he would share it and never did. Just wondering if you might have known what happened? If you do wish to maybe give it a spin (never have to) I can give you some instruction. If you are new to Dockerfiles and Docker in general; you can find info @


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Re: Building chaos calmer from source

Fri Mar 10, 2017 12:31 am

Never played with docker, I'll take a look.

I'm a Linux geek, the only box I I have that runs Windows is a laptop that gets no respect. Currently working on some uboot stuff so I'm in a world where DTS files and openwrt are high level.

Lots of people come and go in this forum, post an idea and evaporate. Just because you don't get much feedback doesn't mean there aren't people that want to see what you did.

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Re: Building chaos calmer from source

Fri Mar 10, 2017 3:17 am

Understand completely.. For career I'm Windows developer but my heart is in Linux and I've had dual boots now since back in the late '90's :)

It's not that big deal if you test it or not though I know there is a Docker client for Linux as well. I'm still learning how to use it but it's basically containerization instead of virtualization. How that makes a difference I've not discovered yet, as I use VM's daily in my work, but alas I've set my mind to learning something new (> 40yrs old you gotta keep learnin!) so it is what it is, lol.

I did try to compile just now on this Docker container and got the following error below. I will try to see if I can fix it up but just reporting back since I've seen some comits to the repo lately and just didn't know if maybe it was a bad edit. Prior to those updates I pulled down openwrt-chaoscalmer and it built first time.

This was compiled with the 128M_MAX_GPIO flavor I believe..

Code: Select all
sound/soc/codecs/es8388.c:230:1: warning: data definition has no type or storage class [enabled by default]
sound/soc/codecs/es8388.c:230:1: error: type defaults to 'int' in declaration of 'module_i2c_driver' [-Werror=implicit-int]
sound/soc/codecs/es8388.c:230:1: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration [enabled by default]
sound/soc/codecs/es8388.c:220:26: warning: 'es8388_i2c_driver' defined but not used [-Wunused-variable]
 static struct i2c_driver es8388_i2c_driver = {
cc1: some warnings being treated as errors
make[8]: *** [sound/soc/codecs/es8388.o] Error 1
make[7]: *** [sound/soc/codecs] Error 2
make[6]: *** [sound/soc] Error 2
make[5]: *** [sound] Error 2
make[5]: Leaving directory `/openwrt-chaoscalmer/build_dir/target-mipsel_24kec+dsp_uClibc-'
make[4]: *** [/openwrt-chaoscalmer/build_dir/target-mipsel_24kec+dsp_uClibc-] Error 2
make[4]: Leaving directory `/openwrt-chaoscalmer/target/linux/ramips'
make[3]: *** [compile] Error 2
make[3]: Leaving directory `/openwrt-chaoscalmer/target/linux'
make[2]: *** [target/linux/compile] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/openwrt-chaoscalmer'
make[1]: *** [/openwrt-chaoscalmer/staging_dir/target-mipsel_24kec+dsp_uClibc-] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/openwrt-chaoscalmer'
make: *** [world] Error 2

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Re: Building chaos calmer from source

Fri Mar 10, 2017 11:20 pm

It looks like your build is not picking up some includes. es8388.c is Vonger's driver for the sound chip. It isn't in stock openwrt but it hasn't given me problems in a long time. Probably something in your build configuration. Try make packages/kernel/linux/clean.

The commits after the date of the first post in this thread are just fixes for things I found the next day, mostly missing default packages or extra packages in images.

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Re: Building chaos calmer from source

Sat Mar 11, 2017 5:50 am


Yep, that's what was the problem and after doing a clean and then full again; it built the tools, toolchain and firmware.

In fact, here is the Docker image I setup for public consumption. It may not be fully done yet but for now if I clear my system and download this image; I'm able to update the packages and feeds and build one of the flavors you've built into the source.. I also noted your work and source of the repo, however, if you wish for me to pull it to my local and host from that link; just let me know


I hope you don't mind that took the liberty of using some images and text you had on the standard page to detail and document what the VoCore2 IS as well how to run this Docker image. It's nice that I can go in and just echo out the new build type, do a make defconfig and finally make to build these firmware. Granted, the first run it has to build tools/toolchain but once that's done they build very nice and efficient!

Thanks to you both thus far

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Re: Building chaos calmer from source

Sat Mar 11, 2017 7:30 pm

Also this latest build works awesome!

Loaded up the 128M standard version and flashed perfectly fine and with a bit of tweaking on the AP and STA (AP is defaulted to where I think Vonger had it it connected to Wifi and my phone instantly connected to the access point.

No issues with routes this build and can ping and opkg update right after connecting. Works very, very well! :)

I'll be checking code for a possible pull or updates as time permits but again, I can't say it enough, thanks Vonger and Noblepepper!

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Re: Building chaos calmer from source

Mon Mar 13, 2017 9:02 am

You may want to check out the clean options in openwrt.

Since it is working well (at least for you and me) I'll tag this point in my repository so it can be referenced easily.

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