Vocore2 AP+STA Mode enable alternative USB connectivity

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Joined: Wed Sep 13, 2017 8:32 pm

Vocore2 AP+STA Mode enable alternative USB connectivity

Mon Sep 18, 2017 9:17 pm

I'm attempting to connect my Vocore2 to the internet to download and install various Python packages for a project. I'm given to understand the AP+STA Mode will allow the vocore to connect to a wireless access point so it can access the internet. However, I still need to maintain access to the device for development purposes. SSH through the parent access point isn't an option. Because of this, I need to enable access through the Vocore's power USB port. I have already attempted soldering the remaining two pins on the USB to the pins directly above on the PCB but Windows device manager doesn't detect it. How can I enable USB communication with the Vocore?

My Vocore is version 2 with the SD Card reader but lacks the dock. The USB port originally only had 4 soldered points with two remaining (which I assumed were there for data but left unsoldered).

Thank you.

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Re: Vocore2 AP+STA Mode enable alternative USB connectivity

Sat Sep 23, 2017 2:35 am

Please check the sch of VoCore2 Ultimate dock.
You can not directly connect VoCore2 USB+/USB- to your computer, it is a USB host but not USB garget.
You need a USB2TTL(addition device).

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