VoCore voltage regulator?

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Joined: Mon Feb 02, 2015 6:29 pm

VoCore voltage regulator?

Fri Oct 21, 2016 9:14 pm

First off, thank you for the VoCore Lite, and for including antenna connector.

So let me get to the point.. I only use batteries and other 3.7v and 12v portable power sources to prototype and make devices. And I ended up destroying all of my original VoCore units because of overloading them (the MT3410L specifically).

As a result, I started using step-down voltage regulators from shenzhen and I never had this problem again. The only problem is they are all different and sometimes odd configuration, sometimes too large, sometimes generate too much heat, and I can never find reliable source.

What I would like:
-step-up regulator for 3.7v batteries (somehow, they make it last longer than just powering with 3.7v alone)
-step-down regulator for 12v batteries.

They seem easy to make if I knew electronics, but I am a programmer :(

Here is my ideal layout, just 4 pins
Input Output

Either way, it would be cool to see a "VoCore power supply" in the store. Smallest form factor possible.

btw: Vonger, I have quite a few raspberry Pi zero if you want me to send you one. They were on sale here for $0.99 each. I have them because I am developing a $20 HTML5/Video Player.

Posts: 898
Joined: Sun Oct 19, 2014 6:00 am

Re: VoCore voltage regulator?

Sun Oct 23, 2016 3:58 pm

3.7V is OK for VoCore and VoCore2. Its 5V port is allowed 3.6V to 6V.
12V will burn it :)

You can use a phone charge(5V), and cut off a USB wire, igg.me/at/vocore2 there is a gif show that, do not need and skill of solder, just need a knife.

Posts: 898
Joined: Sun Oct 19, 2014 6:00 am

Re: VoCore voltage regulator?

Sun Oct 23, 2016 4:00 pm

btw: Vonger, I have quite a few raspberry Pi zero if you want me to send you one. They were on sale here for $0.99 each. I have them because I am developing a $20 HTML5/Video Player.

Thank you :) Just so busy on develop VoCore2 driver, I think it is a long time I do not have free time on RPi :)

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