Difficulty connecting to Vocore2

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Joined: Fri Jan 12, 2018 9:05 pm

Difficulty connecting to Vocore2

Fri Jan 12, 2018 9:09 pm

I received my Vocore2 yesterday and hooked up to it just fine, and plugged it into my router. It was able to update its package list and so on. Then I decided to set up a password on its AP so people couldn't connect to it and see my internal network. I successfully changed the AP's password through the WRT web interface but when I rebooted the network doesn't come online at all any more. I plugged it into my computer using Ethernet and it was assigned an IP address but I can't ssh into it like I could when I was connected to it in AP mode over wifi. Is it refusing ssh connections over the uplink?

Is there any way to recover from this? Also I am having the same issue as the Mac user who posted recently, the USB serial device will not show up in my /dev/ folder (I did the diff trick you suggest already).

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Re: Difficulty connecting to Vocore2

Mon Jan 15, 2018 4:15 pm

Hi, which version you are using?
VoCore2 Ultimate connect to microUSB to your computer USB, it will create a serial port interface.
If you are not using that version, you will have to use a USB2TTL connect to VoCore2 UART2 port and use console fix it.

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