I'm trying to change my mac address - heeelp

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Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2015 4:23 am

I'm trying to change my mac address - heeelp

Sun Nov 01, 2015 4:52 am

I've tried to use Vonger's solution :

"MAC address can be restored, you can use this small app. http://vonger.cn/upload/mtd2c.c
mtd2c [your id] > mtd2.bin
then upload mtd2.bin, call
mtd -e factory write mtd2.bin factory"

However it doesn't change right bytes. Also, anyway, it seems that mtd2 partition is read only.

ps. I want to change mac address of wlan0 interface. I've tried macchanger and "option macaddr" - non of those works.

Could some one help me please?


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Re: I'm trying to change my mac address - heeelp

Mon Nov 02, 2015 12:26 pm

This app works, but you have to make mtd2 writable first.
Update the VOCORE.dts in source code. Remove read-only in spi/factory section. Compile the source again.
Better not to change it, it is unique for your VoCore.

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