Use vocore as a normal computer instead of a router.

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Joined: Fri Dec 02, 2016 6:03 pm

Use vocore as a normal computer instead of a router.

Fri Dec 02, 2016 6:05 pm

Ok, Here is what I am experiencing.
I have a router (Dlink dir 816), My main pc is connected to my router. When I connect the vocore2 to my router, I cannot see any new IPv4 IP on nmap.

I am able to see the opwnwrt wifi ap on my phone, when I connect to that, I am actually able to connect to my router and the internet, as if the vocore doesn't exist on the network at all.
So what i am seeing is that vocore is simply passing the the routers network to my phone like a bridge network.
Moreover my router works on a 192.168.0.x and vocore works on 192.168.1.x, But when i connect my phone to vocore, my phone gets an ip say, indicating that it has bypassed vocore and in this situation I am unable to access the openwrt web interface (which works fine if the vocore is not connected to my router).

Here is what I want to happen, when I connect the vocore to my router, I want my router to assign an IP say to the vocore, and i should be able to access it using any system connected to the router using that ip address.

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Re: Use vocore as a normal computer instead of a router.

Sat Dec 03, 2016 12:31 pm

I see, looks like it is default in bridge mode.
There is a config in /etc/config/network, I guess you need to add dhcp protocol to interface wan.

run this in your VoCore2, then reboot:(I did not test)
uci set network.wan.proto=dhcp
uci commit

Also search, you will find the answer.

Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Dec 02, 2016 6:03 pm

Re: Use vocore as a normal computer instead of a router.

Wed Dec 07, 2016 12:45 am

thnx, i was able to get it working by resetting the openwrt configs, slowly learning to use openwrt!

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