Best low-latency streaming method for VoCore2?

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Joined: Fri Jan 20, 2017 2:53 am

Best low-latency streaming method for VoCore2?

Fri Jan 20, 2017 3:05 am

Hey Everyone!

I'm working on a project that involves streaming video from a vocore2 and I'm using the Vocore2 Camera from the store. I saw that there are a couple tutorials for using mjpeg streaming that makes it easy to visualize a stream from a browser (and process that stream with other scripts).

However, since I'm working on a robotics project, I need low-latency and a decent (20+) FPS. I've been reading that mjpeg streaming may not be that good for this since it has issues with FPS and latency, and I saw that the VoCore2 camera also supports H.264, which seems better for my purposes.

I couldn't find a specific tutorial on how to get the h.264 stream working with low-latency from the /dev/video1 folder on the VoCore2.

Apologies if this is answered elsewhere - first time using the VoCore! I would appreciate any help or advice on getting the stream to work well for this robotics project!

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Re: Best low-latency streaming method for VoCore2?

Fri Jan 20, 2017 2:48 pm

Please check UVC standard.

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