New Vocore2 Does nothing

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Joined: Mon Feb 13, 2017 11:59 pm

New Vocore2 Does nothing

Tue Feb 14, 2017 12:08 am

I just grabbed a copy of a vocore2 ultimate. It came with the case and all the extended bits so I can put on a SD card and use Ethernet and whatnot. I plug it into a data USB line to my computer to power it up. The little Ethernet light shines through the white plastic as expected however, I don't see it come up on the WIFI so I figured I would try using the Virtual ComPort through the USB. I install the driver for windows, fire up putty, set the com to COM3, mode serial, speed 115200, clicked "open" and nothing happens. So I plug Ethernet into it and reboot...still nothing. The router's DHCP list doesn't event show anything new. I thought that the vocore2 comes with openWRT already installed on it. Based on and it should be fairly straight forward to get setup but I can't see the device on all 3 connections. (ethernet, wi-fi, or serial USB) I'm new to embedded design so if there is anything I am missing some help would be much appreciated, as I would love to start tinkering with this little fella. :)

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Re: New Vocore2 Does nothing

Wed Feb 15, 2017 6:58 am

Is the purple LED light?
If not, you might have to take the inside out(check bottom of for tutorial of opening the case) and gently press the top part and bottom part together.
It is a FAQ, looks like the bump during shipping effect the connection of top and bottom parts.

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