A few questions and a suggestion

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A few questions and a suggestion

Tue Jan 23, 2018 6:38 am

Greetings - I was very glad to see the Vocore for sale when it was first announced, as such a small and handy router/pc. Unfortunately at the time I was unable to get much working (ssh access, wifi etc.) and I think I may have bricked it... As I had seen somewhere that it works as a wrt router I was thrilled as there are no routers of that size running wrt that are even <$100.

Unfortunately it would not really work to turn a wired network into wireless, and the other way, running a computer that accesses wifi, didn't seem to have any tutorials unfortunately. Over a year later I come back to the site and I'm still not seeing a clear step-by-step tutorial on how to turn this into a simple router.

The instructions here, after following the upload instructions exactly, caused the browser to spin and spin and a long time later, unplugging and plugging back in shows no vocor wifi ap anymore, and no access through ethernet either.

There's a section on http://vocore.io/v2u.html on how to "Setup AP + STA Mode" but no mention of what that means... access point for a "sta" or how I would use it? Furthermore there is no guide for beginners that would tell what ssh does for them, how a "USBTTL" is useful, etc.
I don't mean to be all-complaining but I work in IT and I regularly build things with Arduino and Raspberry Pi a bit in my spare time, yet the documentation seems incomplete and very confusing to me, not to mention a beginner. Even worse, when I start a Forum account, it literally asked me "What is vocore2 pin control register?(0x1*****6*)" as an are-you-human question... This makes me think this might be a project meant entirely for professional electrical-engineers and not a computer for hobbyists? I thought this would be a great backup router and perhaps something to run some simple services on but it seems the community support and tutorials may be lacking.. or I'm just wanting it to be something it is not, as a small general-purpose-computer like the Yun or Pi, if it's mean only for IOT hardware developers that's fine too. I think this project could have much potential if it gained some beginner tutorials that even children can understand, as the folks at Raspberry Pi have done.

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Re: A few questions and a suggestion

Wed Jan 24, 2018 4:41 pm

:) You are right, I think the tutorial is hard to understand too, that is for somebody have openwrt experience.
I'd like to write tutorial for beginners, just no idea where to start...
What is your VoCore current state? and let me know what did you do to it exactly.

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Re: A few questions and a suggestion

Thu Jan 25, 2018 8:44 am

What would help me a lot to get it working as a WiFi client is an example of a "/etc/config/network" and "/etc/config/wireless" and "/etc/wireless/mt7628/mt7628.dat" plus the commands I have to give on the serial console to make it connect via WiFi to my WLAN.

Currently how to make it operational as a WiFi client is very unclear to me and that would be a starting point to get it operational as long as the luci integration of the wireless part based on mt7628.ko is not there.

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